Team Selection

Team Size

This applies to the Spring season only.  

9-12 players per team is the recommended team size.  

  • Less than 9 players:  Discussion between the coach and board  will determine if teams with less than 9 players will be established.  
  • More than 12 players:  Players registering for a team with more than 12 players will be put on a waiting list.  The first 12 players registered will be placed on the team.  Again a discussion between the coach and the board will determine if more than 12 players will be accepted onto the team.  We may have the option to move players up if there is space on another team.
  • More than 18 players:  Teams with more than 18 registrations will be split into two or more teams depending on coach and gym time availability.  The team selections process will be determined by the coaches and the board.


Coach Selection

Coaches are a volunteer position and are often difficult to find.  Coaches will be required to complete a criminal record check and vulnerable sector check.  Coaches will be required to complete a coaching philosophy questionnaire to ensure their coaching philosophy matches the values of the Rocky Rapids.  The coaching philosophy questionnaires will be reviewed by the coach liaison.  If concerns exist, those concerns will be addressed.  If a solution cannot be found those coaches will not be allowed to coach a Rapids team.


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